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Ongoing projects (mostly Norwegian)
Previous projects
- I sent a christmas gift to Sylvi Listhaug
- Thinking of switching to Linux? Linux for nybegynnere
is my Norwegian group blog by and for Linux newbies. Simple language, no use of terminal/command line necessary, and never patronizing or angry. I've put it on hold for a while. I'd like to start it up again, but I'd need more contributors. Please let me know if you're interested in helping!
- In the parliamentary election year of 2013 I created an unofficial fan blog for the Green Party, OMG! MDG!
- Shortly after the bombing of Oslo and shooting at Utøya scientologists set up a tent and started preying on those feeling vulnerable after the horrible attacks. By offering magical massages and counselling, while disguising who they really where they hoped to recruit new members while they still were weak. Unfortunately I was out of the country during this period, but I tried organizing a group of volunteers to take shifts outside their tent warning potential victims of the scientologists about who these people really are. Planing and coordinating was done in the Beskytt Oslo etherpad, and a Facebook group one of the volunteers set up.
- The first months of 2011 we fought against the implementation of the EU Data Retention Directive (Datalagringsdirektivet, DLD) in Norwegian law. All political parties were against it, except for Arbeiderpartiet and Høyre. Høyre did not decide until the very end, and many of their politicians where against. So we needed to convince Høyre to say no. I created a document to list all Høyre politicians who had taken a stance, both pro- and anti-DLD. This was a collaborative project, and many joined in. Unfortunately we lost, but now, at the end of 2011, the organization Digitalt Personvern is asking for monetary support to take the government to court over the constitutionality of this law.
- In 2009 a campaign to get rid of Internet Explorer 6 spread troughout Norway and beyond. I had the honour of setting up the official wiki for this campaign, which even got a story on Wired. The campaign is over and the wiki is now locked.
- Inspired by one of the oldest, still working pages on the web,, and my own experiences with being lonely, I operated (lonely) from 2007 to 2011.